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Exhibition The Fabric of Life

Artist: Vone Petson

Curator: Vone Petson

The exhibition “O Fabric da Vida” by visual artist and Tocantins curator Vone Petson brings a clash of the concept of Time in its multiple facets. In the iconographic and poetic construction of the exhibition, the artist proposes to think of time as a fabric that, in the first place, is built in a linear way, where events unfold in a continuous succession of unrepeatable and irreversible events. Being a line, linear time is finite.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The artist also seeks to work with a cyclical approach, such as a repeated and constant succession of events within a cycle, with a beginning, middle and end that is repeated, always enabling a new beginning. Overlaying this approach, he works with time as a destination, represented by the images of the ten major arcana. The arcana iconography was taken from the Marseille tarot, by Jacques Viéville (one of the oldest and from which most of the tarot card iconography originated). These images are embroidered on photographs of disparate events, but which, in a way, have a link. Stitched together as a symbolic form of time as a predetermined destination, or even as archetypes of humanity.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The concept of time brought by Vone Petson to the exhibition “The Fabric of Life” is that of time as a great archetypal experience of humanity, which evades attempts to give it a fully rational subjective explanation. It is not strange that at first he, time, is considered a divinity in some cultures, even considered as a manifestation of the supreme divinity from which life flows like a river. Only from modern Western physics did time become a part of the mathematical framework. This milestone is that we use it consciously to describe physical phenomena, or even, to conceive of time as "the means of realizing what is potential".

WhatsApp Image 2019-07-11 at 14.33_edite

August 6 to September 4, 2019

09h to 20h


Cultural Corridor - Block of the Rectory

Federal University of Tocantins

Quadra 109 Norte, Avenida NS15, ALCNO-14 - Plano Norte, Palmas - TO

August 6 to September 4, 2019

09h to 20h


Cultural Corridor - Library of the Campus of Arraias - 'Professor Claudemiro de Godoy do Nascimento'

Federal University of Tocantins

Avenida Juraildes de Sena Abreu, s / nº - Bairro Buritizinho - Arraias -TO

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A Casa Visual Galeria foi criada em 2015 pelo artista e curador Vone Petson com o objetivo de tornar os trabalhos artísticos acessíveis à população, divulgando os artistas e os eventos culturais relacionados às artes visuais. Tendo como foco principal a produção artística tocantinense.

Tel: 55-63-99201-3970


Representante Legal

Vone Petson Pereira Branquinho



Arne 71, Alameda 06, Qi 10, lote 07, casa 02, CEP 77006-736 - Palmas - Tocantins - Brasil

© 2021 by Vone Petson. Proudly created with

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